Wellness: Understanding Protein and Fat (Nurses, CCM, and CRC Approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hour

Wellness: Understanding Protein and Fat (Nurses, CCM, and CRC Approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hour




By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Recall food sources that contain protein and fat
  • Differentiate between healthy and unhealthy types of protein and fat food choices
  • Recall the health risks and benefits associated with protein and fat food sources
  • Identify ways to choose food sources of protein and fat to create a healthier diet.

This course is approved for 1.0 CE/Contact Hour to the following professions:

  • Nurses (RN, LVN, LPN) (all states)
  • Certified Case Managers (CCM)
  • Certified Rehabilitation Specialists (CRC)

Must pass final quiz with 80% or more; may re-take as often as needed. Course will be updated or discontinued on or before July 31, 2027.

Tags: 1.0 CE/Contact Hour, All States, Certified Case Manager, CCM, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, CRC, Healthy Diet, LPN, LVN, Nurses, Protein and Fat, RN, Wellness