Safety Preparedness and Emergency Response When Caring for Older Adults (Nurses and CCM) – 1.5 CE/Contact Hours

Safety Preparedness and Emergency Response When Caring for Older Adults (Nurses and CCM) – 1.5 CE/Contact Hours




Course objectives include:

  • Distinguish between emergencies that impact the resident or client and those that affect the facility as a whole
  • List common emergencies impacting older adults
  • Describe when and how 9-1-1 should be called
  • Identify safety measures the facility can have in place to prevent accidents and emergencies
  • Identify ways in which the facility can prepare for an emergency.

Course is approved for 1.5 CE/Contact Hours to the following professions:

  • Nurses (RN, LVN, LPN) (all states)
  • Certified Case Managers (CCM)

Participants must pass the final quiz with 80% or more and may re-take the quiz as often as needed. Course will be updated or discontinued on or before July 31, 2027.

Tags: 1.5 CE/Contact Hours, California Residential Care Facility for the Elderly Administrator, CA RCFE, Certified Case Manager, CCM, Emergency, Emergency Preparedness, Emergency Response, Long Term Care, LPN, LVN, Nurses, Older Adult Care, Patient Healthcare Provider Safety in the Workplace, RN, Safety Preparedness