Workplace Impairment – Increasing Healthcare Workers’ Awareness (Florida CNA approved) – 2.5 CE/Contact Hours

Workplace Impairment – Increasing Healthcare Workers’ Awareness (Florida CNA approved) – 2.5 CE/Contact Hours




The purpose of this course is to increase the awareness of healthcare professionals regarding workplace impairment. Learners will achieve the following objectives:

  • Describe workplace impairment in the healthcare field and its impact on healthcare professionals
  • Describe the regulatory and professional bodies addressing impaired professionals in the healthcare workforce
  • Identify signs and symptoms of workplace impairment
  • Identify the appropriate course of action to follow upon identification of an impaired healthcare professional
  • Outline the process for treatment of an impaired professional
  • Summarize employer initiatives and responsibilities in relation to impaired healthcare professional programs.

Workplace Impairment is a required continuing education topic for nurses in the state of Florida. Course is approved for 2.5 CE/Contact Hours for Certified Nursing Assistants in Florida. Must pass final quiz with 80% or more; may re-take as often as needed.

Tags: 2.5 CE/Contact Hours, Florida Board of Nursing, FL BON, Florida Certified Nursing Assistants, FL CNA, Healthcare Industry, Healthcare Professionals, Healthcare Workers, Healthcare Workforce, Impaired Healthcare Professionals, Workplace, Workplace Impairments