Compliance and Accountability are the keys to your success!
CareerSmart® Learning is dedicated to providing healthcare professionals quality continuing education units (CE) and continuing nursing education (CNE).
We maintain various accreditations and provider pre-approvals in order to offer compliant and accountable continuing education.
Click on your profession to learn about our accreditations.

CareerSmart Learning is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC). ANCC is an internationally recognized accreditation program developed to promote excellence in nursing. It recognizes, through its accreditation process, Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) providers that promote nursing excellence and quality patient outcomes. Continuing Nursing Education courses provided by ANCC accredited providers are generally accepted by most state nursing boards in the United States, and internationally.

California Board of Registered Nurses (CA BRN) approves providers of Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) and/or nurse contact hours (often referred to as CEs) in California. California nurses, including Registered Nurses (RN) and Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN) are required to complete 30 contact hours every two years in order to renew their nursing license.

California Department of Public Health (CDPH) approves providers of continuing education for Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) in California. CNAs in California are required to complete 48 hours of continuing education every two years in order to renew their license.

Florida Board of Nursing (FL BON) utilizes CE Broker for Florida nurses, including Registered Nurses (RN), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN), as well as Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA), to find, track, and approve Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) contact hours and providers. CareerSmart® reports to CE Broker on learner activity at the close of each calendar month.
Case Management and Counseling

Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC) is the leading organization for case manager certification. CCMC approves providers of continuing education for Certified Case Managers (CCM) through their Pre-Approved Continuing Education (PACE) program.

The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) oversees the certification program for Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRC) through its credentialing program and approval of continuing education providers.
Social Work

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest organization of social workers in the world. NASW maintains and publishes professional standards and codes of ethics for social workers and works to advance policies impacting the profession. NASW approves courses for continuing education (often referred to as CEs) for social workers. Click here for a list of Social Work Licensure Board Endorsements.
CA Assisted Living

California Department of Social Services (CDSS), Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD), Administrator Certification Section (ACS). The Administrator Certification Section of CCLD approves vendors and providers of initial certification training and continuing education for certified Administrators of Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE) (also referred to as Assisted Living Administrators) facilities in California.
CareerSmart® Learning is an approved vendor of continuing education for certified RCFE Administrators in California (Vendor #2000386-740-2). Certified RCFE Administrators in California are required to complete 40 hours of continuing education (CE) every 2 years. At least 8 of the 40 hours must be related to dementia care, and at least 4 hours must be on Laws & Regulations. Also, if you have not already taken it as part of your initial certification or renewal, all RCFE Administrators must complete 1 hour of LGBT Sensitivity training.
Per California Department of Social Services regulations, navigation within these courses is restricted in that each slide must be viewed in its entirety before advancing to the next slide. Learners must view each slide and click the next button to advance in the course.
During the COVID-19 State of Emergency, CCLD had set a statewide waiver that approved certified RCFE Administrators to complete all 40 hours of continuing education online; this waiver is now expired, and beginning March 1, 2023, at least 20 of the 40 hours are required to be completed in-person. Our online courses can conveniently be taken at any time upon enrollment, anywhere you have internet access. Please note that Community Care Licensing Division does not permit learners to complete more than 10 hours of continuing education in 1 calendar day.
Long-term Care Administrators (NAB/NCERS)

Our courses are approved by the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards and accepted by all state boards for Nursing Home Administrator renewal credit. Please note, Continuing Education (CE) requirements for Nursing Home Administrators vary by state, and some states have specific topic requirements. It is your responsibility to verify these requirements with your state board. CareerSmart® reports to the NAB CE Registry on learner activity at close of each calendar month. Per NAB regulations, the maximum number of credits that may be reported for an individual for one 24 hour period is limited to twelve (12) credit hours. Any hours that exceed 12 hours in one day may be invalidated by the state licensing board.