Effective Communication Strategies for Caring for People with Dementia (Nurses, CCM, CRC, and NASW approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hour

Effective Communication Strategies for Caring for People with Dementia (Nurses, CCM, CRC, and NASW approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hour




This course is offered jointly with Alzheimer’s Greater Los Angeles as the joint provider. This course will focus on communication strategies that can help professionals, caregivers, and family members more effectively communicate with people who have Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. By the end of this course, learners will be able to: 

  • Identify three ways Alzheimer’s disease affects communication
  • Explain why a person who has Alzheimer’s may have behavioral symptoms
  • Describe three effective communication strategies that can be utilized while working with someone who has Alzheimer’s.

Approved for 1.0 CE/Contact Hour for the following professions:

  • Nurses (RN, LVN, LPN) (all states)
  • Certified Case Manager (CCM)
  • Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC)
  • Social Workers (NASW)

Must pass final quiz with 80% or more; may re-take as often as needed. Course will be updated or discontinued on or before July 31, 2027.