This course is designed to enhance the care provider’s knowledge about the sexual needs of persons with dementia. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Define dementia, associated cognitive changes, and common behaviors associated with dementia.
- Describe the difference between sex and intimacy.
- Describe the cognitive changes caused by dementia that impact sexual behaviors.
- Define the physical changes that affect sex in the older adult and persons with dementia.
- Describe how to assess for consent in an individual with dementia.
- Identify techniques for healthcare providers to redirect sexual attention.
- List tips for communicating with family members about the sexual needs and behaviors of their family member with dementia.
This course is approved for 2.0 CE/Contact Hours for:
- California RCFE Administrators
- California Nurses (RN, LVN, LPN) (CA BRN)
Must pass final quiz with 80% or more; may re-take as often as needed.
This course is approved for Dementia under the following Core of Knowledge: Managing Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias.
Tags: 2.0 CE/Contact Hours, Alzheimer’s, California Residential Care Facility for the Elderly, CA RCFE Administrator, California Nurses, California Board of Registered Nursing, CA BRN, Cognitive Changes, Communication, Consent, Dementia, Family Communication, Intimacy, Older Adults, Sexual Behaviors and Intimacy Needs