Elbow Anatomy and Pathologies (Nurses, CCM, CRC, and WC CA approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hours

Elbow Anatomy and Pathologies (Nurses, CCM, CRC, and WC CA approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hours




By the end of this course, the learner will be able to:

  • Describe anatomical positions and related planes of the body.
  • Define common medical terms related to elbow anatomy.
  • Identify anatomical features of the elbow.
  • Explain the physiology of the elbow.
  • Recognize common elbow pathologies and their treatment.

Course is approved for 1.0 CE/Contact Hours to the following professions:

  • Nurses (RN, LVN, LPN) (all states)
  • Certified Case Managers (CCM)
  • Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRC)
  • CA Workers’ Comp Claims Adjusters

Must pass final quiz with 80% or more; may re-take as often as needed. Course will be updated or discontinued on or before July 31, 2027.

Tags: 1.0 CE/Contact Hour, Anatomical Positions, Body, Body Mechanics, California Workers’ Compensation Claims Adjusters, CA WC, Certified Case Manager (CCM), Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Common Elbow Injuries, Elbow, Elbow Anatomy, LPN, LVN, Medical Terms, Nurses, Physiology, RN