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- All courses and corresponding transcripts are accessible for the life of the subscription.
- An internet connection is required. We recommend using Google Chrome to take our courses. Other browsers we support: Edge, Firefox and Safari.
Nurses (RN, LVN, LPN) CE Course Subscription
CareerSmart® Learning is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC).
CareerSmart® is also approved by the California Board of Registered Nurses (CA BRN), the Nevada State Board of Nursing, and the Florida Board of Nursing (FL BON).
Career Smart is a registered provider with the Georgia Board of Nursing (GA BON), the Arkansas State Board of Nursing, the New Mexico Board of Nursing, the District of Columbia Board of Nursing, and the South Carolina Board of Nursing.
Subscription includes over 320 CE/Contact Hours of courses to choose from.
Includes several state-required topics*, including but not limited to:
*Topic requirements vary per state.
Generally accepted by most state nursing boards in the United States, and internationally.

Accredited by

Reports to CE Broker every two weeks in the following states: Arkansas, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, New Mexico, and South Carolina.
Upcoming Conferences
Tags: Registered Nurse (RN), Nursing Education, Online Nursing Courses, Continuing Education for Nurses, Continuing Professional Development for Nurses, Nursing Certification Continuing Professional Development, Nursing Skills, Nursing Ethics, HIPAA Compliance, Nurse-patient Relationship, Geriatrics, Pediatric Nursing, Evidence-based Practices, Health Outcomes, Health Education, Patient Advocacy, Patient Rights, Stress Management, Health Literacy
Registered Nurse (RN), Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Continuing Education, CE, or Contact Hours:
CareerSmart® Learning offers online contact hours, continuing nursing education (CNE), and continuing education professional development training for nurses, including registered nurses (RN), licensed vocational nurses (LVN), licensed practical nurses (LPN), and more, depending on the credentialling terminology used in your license jurisdiction. CareerSmart® is accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), as well as other state accrediting bodies, such as the California Board of Registered Nurses and the Florida Board of Nursing, for online continuing education, contact hours, CE, CNE subscriptions. These continuing nursing education or continuing education / CNE / contact hour subscriptions make it easy to enroll, track, and report on your continuing nursing education / CNE compliance training and license renewal contact hours.
Our online continuing nursing education CNE / CE / Contact Hours are interactive and engaging to make compliance training and professional development and RN, LVN, LPN license renewal education more rewarding and applicable to your practice. CE and contact hours subscriptions allow nurses to choose from hundreds of registered nurse (RN, LVN, LPN) continuing education topics including critical care, HIPAA compliance, nursing education, nursing skills, nursing ethics, nurse-patient relationships, geriatrics, pediatric nursing, psychiatric nursing, evidenced-based practices, medication errors, long term care, health outcomes, patient advocacy, patient rights, stress management, health literacy, nurse leadership, and more.
Purchasing a subscription for online, on-demand, continuing nursing education (CNE), continuing education (CE), nurse license renewal contact hours, makes compliance with state license renewal and certification requirements easy and seamless, especially since CareerSmart®’s stellar customer service team can help report course completions to the accrediting agency on your behalf in applicable states. In the applicable states, CareerSmart® will report your nurse continuing education, CE, course completions to CE Broker every two weeks!
Start your annual RN, LVN, LPN continuing education CE subscription today!
Registered Nurse (RN), Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Continuing Education Requirements:
Varies by state, but most need 30 CEs every 2 years. Some states have required topics, such as Human Trafficking and Ethics.
Accreditation Agencies:
We are approved to provide continuing education (aka “nurse contact hours,” “CE,” or “CNE” for registered nurses and licensed nurses) for nurses in all 50 states with our American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) accreditation as well as approval through individual state boards of nursing, as follows: California Board of Registered Nursing (CA BRN), Florida Board of Nursing (FL BON), Georgia Board of Nursing (GA BON), Arkansas State Board of Nursing (AR BON), South Carolina Board of Nursing (SC BON), New Mexico Board of Nursing (NM BON), District of Columbia Board of Nursing.
If you are a nurse or an employer of nurses and you’re searching for any of the following keywords, you’ve landed in the right place: nurse ce, rn ce, lvn ce, lpn ce, nurse continuing education, online nurse ce, nurse contact hours, rn contact hours, rn continuing education, lvn online ce, nurse license renewal, rn license renewal hours, lvn license renewal, lpn ce, lpn contact hours, registered nurse ce, registered nurse contact hours, licensed vocational nurse ce, licensed vocational nurse contact, hours, licensed practical nurse ce, licensed practical nurse contact hours, cne, continuing nursing education, nursing professional development