Florida Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA – FL)

Florida Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA – FL)




CareerSmart® Learning is an approved provider of CNA and continuing nursing education by the Florida Board of Nursing.

Courses listed in the online course catalog below are approved for Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) in the State of Florida. CNAs in Florida must complete a minimum of 12 hours of in-service training each calendar year and must renew their certification every 2 years. Topics of the training must include, but not be limited to: bloodborne pathogens, infection control, domestic violence, documentation and legal aspects of nursing assistance, resident rights, communication with cognitively impaired, CPR skills, and medical error prevention.

CareerSmart® reports CE credit to CE Broker every two weeks for Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) in the State of Florida.