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Nursing Home Administrators (NAB/NCERS Approved – all states) CE Course Subscription

Online CE courses listed in the course catalog are approved by the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards and accepted by all state boards for Nursing Home Administrator renewal credit.

Continuing Education (CE) requirements for Nursing Home Administrators vary by state, and some states have specific topic requirements.

It is your responsibility to verify these requirements with your state board.

Subscription includes over 80 CEs to choose from.

Renew every

Two years graphic

Approved in all states​

map of united states graphic

Reports to the NAB CE Registry on learner activity at close of each calendar month.

NAB CE Registry

If you are a California RCFE Administrator, you can access our CA RCFE Administrator CE catalog here.

California NHAs are required to complete 40 hours of continuing education every 2 years. 10 of the 40 hours must be in the area of patient aging and care, as identified by a “P” at the end of the approval number assigned by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). Courses in our course bundles and course catalog are not approved by CDPH for patient aging and care, or “P” credit, and are only approved for general credit.

CareerSmart® reports to the NAB CE Registry on learner activity at close of each calendar month. 

All courses and corresponding transcripts are accessible for 1 year from the date of purchase and can be taken online, 24/7 at a self-directed pace, with certificates immediately  available for print or download.

This program is approved by the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards. For additional information, contact NAB at 1120 20th St., NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20036, (202)712-9040, or www.nabweb.org.

To inquire about special, institutional, or group rates, please Contact Us.

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Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and Assisting Persons with Dementia (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours $25.00Included in Subscription!
Addressing Implicit Bias in Healthcare (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 2.0 CE/Contact Hours $40.00Included in Subscription!
Advance Care Planning (NAB/NCERS approved) – 1.5 CE/Contact Hours $30.00Included in Subscription!
AIDS-Related Cancers (NAB/NCERS approved) – 1.50 CE/Contact Hours $30.00Included in Subscription!
Alarm Fatigue (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours $25.00Included in Subscription!
Antibiotics and Infection Control in Older Adults (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.5 CE/Contact Hours $30.00Included in Subscription!
Back Health (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours $25.00Included in Subscription!
Cardiovascular Disease: Dietary Interventions for Older Adults (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours $25.00Included in Subscription!
Caregiver Burnout in Long Term Care (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 2.0 CE/Contact Hours $40.00Included in Subscription!
Combative Behaviors in Persons with Dementia (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours $25.00Included in Subscription!
Common Challenges in Aging (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours $25.00Included in Subscription!
Communication Considerations When Caring for Persons with Dementia (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours $25.00Included in Subscription!
Conflict Resolution in Healthcare (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 2.25 CE/Contact Hours $45.00Included in Subscription!
Coping with the Mental Health Crises faced by Health Care Professionals During COVID-19 (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.75 CE/Contact Hours $35.00Included in Subscription!
Cultural Sensitivity in Elder Care (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours $25.00Included in Subscription!
Dementia Related Behaviors (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours $25.00Included in Subscription!
Dementia Types: Overview of Primary Forms (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hour $20.00Included in Subscription!
Diabetes Mellitus (Pt 1): Pathophysiology (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours $25.00Included in Subscription!
Effects of Chronic Stress on Brain and Body (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours $25.00Included in Subscription!
Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse and Neglect: Recognizing and Reporting (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours $25.00Included in Subscription!
1 - 20 of 61 items
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CareerSmart® Learning offers online continuing education (CE), continuing education units (CEU), contact hours, or professional development training for Nursing Home Administrators (NHA).

Accredited by the National Association of Long-Term Care Administrator Boards, also referred to as NAB, CareerSmart online continuing education CE / CEU for nursing home administrators and skilled nursing home administrators is subscription based. Licensed Nursing Home Administrators or NHA professionals can enroll in a discounted annual subscription package for online continuing education, or CE, that meets certification renewal requirements for nursing home administrators in all states.   

These NHA continuing education / CEU subscriptions for nursing home administrators is easy to enroll, track, and report on your license renewal and compliance training. Our online continuing education / CEU modules for nursing home administrators, NHAs, are interactive and engaging to make compliance training and professional development more rewarding and applicable to your practice. 

Nursing Home Administrators (NHA) continuing education / CE / CEU subscriptions enable NHAs to choose from a variety of CE continuing education topics, including ethics, HIPAA, dementia care, medication management, bloodborne pathogens, infection control, trauma informed care, person centered care, resident rights, abuse reporting, behavioral management, LGBTQ training, cultural sensitivity, fall prevention, and many more. 

Start your NAB approved nursing home administrator (NHA) annual CE / CEU subscription today!

Healthcare Environment: Nursing homes, also referred to as Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs), are places where people with complex conditions, those who have a disability, or are living with a terminal illness reside (most often elderly). Nursing Home Administrators supervise those who provide specialized care of their residents – those providing care are often Nurses (RNs), Nursing Assistants (CNAs), and therapists. Staff also includes direct care aides that may or may not be certified as well as other team members in dietary, facility maintenance, and administration. Unlike assisted living facilities, nursing homes are considered to provide skilled care.

Continuing Education/CE Needs: Varies largely by state, but typically 20 hours every year or 40 hours every 2 years.

Accreditation Agency: National Association of Long-Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB)

If you are a nursing home administrator, NHA, or an employer multiple facilities employing NHAs,  and you’re searching for any of the following keywords, you’ve landed in the right place: nursing home education, skilled nursing education, nursing home administrator training, nha continuing education, nha online ce, nha ce, nha education, nursing home online ceu, nursing home ce classes, nursing home administrator ce, nursing home administrator recertification, nha renewal, nursing home recertification, nha training, nha compliance, nursing home compliance, skilled nursing compliance, senior care training, senior care education, senior care courses online, senior care online training