Person-Centered Care: An Overview (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours

This course will explore how person-centered care benefits both the care recipients and the administrator. This course aims to ensure Assisted Living Administrators, Nursing Home Administrators, and staff understand how to provide high quality care, consistent with the care recipients’ interests and preferences, for the best quality of life. By the end of this course learners […]
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Nicotine Dependence (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours

This course provides an advanced overview of the history, pathophysiology, and diagnosis of nicotine dependence. Learners will achieve the following objectives: Describe the history of tobacco. Identify the epidemiology of tobacco use. Recognize how nicotine creates dependence. Characterize the patient populations with higher nicotine dependence. Explain the diagnosis, treatment options, and typical outcomes following treatment […]
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Medications Commonly Prescribed for Persons with Dementia (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours

This course provides an overview of medications commonly prescribed for persons with dementia and their impacts. By the end of this course learners will be able to: Define dementia. Explain why medications are sometimes needed to manage symptoms caused by dementia. State three types of commonly prescribed medications for persons with dementia and why they […]
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Medication Management of Type 2 Diabetes for Older Adults in RCFE (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 Hour

Upon completing this course, learners will be able to: Describe the basic understanding of what diabetes is and factors affecting management of diabetes in older adults. Identify the main goals of diabetic medication management. Describe the various methods of insulin administration, different types of insulin, and the rationale behind correction or supplemental insulin. Identify at […]
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Medication Management Basics (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours

This course provides an overview of policies and procedures related to medication management for elderly residents living in a long-term care environment. By the end of this course you will be able to: Define the differences between medication assistance and medication administration. Identify relevant laws and regulations pertaining to medication management for the elderly. Describe […]
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Hepatitis: Causes and Prevention (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hour

This course provides an overview of Hepatitis and contains the following learning objectives: Describe the biology and epidemiology of hepatitis. Define the viral and non-viral causes of hepatitis. Identify the symptoms and diagnosis of hepatitis. Recognize treatment options for hepatitis. Implement methods to prevent hepatitis transmission. This program has been approved for Continuing Education for […]
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