Wellness for Healthcare Professionals: A Balancing Act (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hours

This course is intended to provide an overview of wellness-related issues and tips for overcoming common challenges for professionals working in healthcare to achieve an optimal work/life/wellness balance. Course objectives include: Identify the six key components of health and wellness Recognize the inherent stress factors that healthcare workers are exposed to and the impact they […]
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Trauma-Informed Care in Skilled Nursing (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours

This course can be taken to meet the requirements of federal regulations for skilled nursing facilities to provide Trauma Informed Care training to staff (on an annual basis.) Course objectives include: Name 5 different components of F-TAG 699 Define trauma Recognize a trauma survivor using behavioral indicators Examine different trauma assessment tools Describe 3 aspects […]
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Therapeutic Activities for Persons with Dementia (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours

Objectives of this course are to be able to: Describe dementia and common behaviors associated with dementia Define therapeutic activities and describe the benefits of therapeutic activities programming for persons with dementia Identify meaningful activities for persons with dementia using a person-centered approach Identify the steps in assessing activity needs of a person with dementia […]
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Staffing in Assisted Living: Recruit ‘Em and Keep ‘Em (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours

By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Recognize current hurdles in recruiting staff in the RCFE industry Explain the importance of building staff loyalty Outline the best practices for successful on-boarding of staff Identify common Title 22 violations or citations related to staffing and personnel requirements Identify ways to retain staff […]
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Sepsis: A Deadly Encounter (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hour

Course objectives include: Define sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock. Describe the clinical manifestations of the effect of sepsis on the human body. Explain how sepsis is diagnosed. Describe the treatments for sepsis. Identify the risk factors for sepsis. This program has been approved for Continuing Education for 1.0 CE/Contact Hours by NAB/NCERS—Approval #20250324-1-A100094-DL. This […]
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Safety Preparedness and Emergency Response When Caring for Older Adults (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours

Course objectives include: Distinguish between emergencies that impact the resident or client and those that affect the facility as a whole List common emergencies impacting older adults Describe when and how 9-1-1 should be called Identify safety measures the facility can have in place to prevent accidents and emergencies Identify ways in which the facility […]
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Resident Rights (NAB/NCERS Approved) – 1.25 CE/Contact Hours

This course provides an overview of the Resident Rights for elderly residents living in an assisted living facility. By the end of this course, learners will be able to: Explain the importance of the Resident Rights in providing each resident with quality care and a quality living experience List and explain at least 5 universal resident […]
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Psychosocial Well-Being During Isolation in Assisted Living (NAB/NCERS Approved) 1.25 CE/Contact Hours

By the end of this course, learners will be able to: Name four symptoms of anxiety and depression Identify five interventions that reduce psychosocial stress Explain how resident rights contribute to psychosocial well-being Identify how to support residents and guide themselves to maintain psychosocial balance during the return to “normal” after a pandemic. This program […]
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