Carla Yaldezian, MS, RD

Carla Yaldezian is a registered dietitian and has earned a Master’s Degree in Nutrition with an emphasis in disease-related nutrition therapy, education, and wellness. During her career, Carla has gained experience in the field of nutrition developing online nutrition-related curricula, conducting adult nutrition education classes, and providing one-on-one nutrition counseling where she implements individualized nutritional care plans for nutrition-related comorbidities such as obesity, eating disorders, diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease. As a member of several professional organizations, Carla is very dedicated to provide nutrition education on a variety of nutrition-related topics that enhances one’s self-efficacy to eat healthy and live an active life style.

Fun Fact: For fun, Carla enjoys riding her bike along the sunny California coast with the wind in her hair and the sun on her back.

March 5, 2024

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