
  • Therapy Animal Services
    Therapy Animal Services  I can’t even begin to share with you the many incredible stories about the value of animals providing therapy services. In healthcare, the history of recognizing the therapeutic potential of animals goes way back to the 1800s when Florence Nightingale recognized that the use of small pets helped reduce anxiety in adults and children living in mental institutions. In the 1930s, during his psychotherapy sessions, Sigmond Freud …
  • Dehydration in Older Adults
    Dehydration in Older Adults Dehydration is a critical health concern, especially among older adults. With age, the body’s ability to retain water decreases, making older individuals more susceptible to dehydration. This article will explore the causes and consequences of dehydration in the elderly, along with practical strategies to prevent it.  Causes of Dehydration Dehydration occurs when the body loses more fluids than it takes in, leading to an imbalance in …
  • Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, and is most commonly associated with military personnel. While most people who go through a traumatic event will not develop PTSD, it can affect a wide range of people from various demographics. Understanding the causes, recognizing the signs, and exploring treatment options can help those affected by this condition …
  • Serving Rural Health Populations: Leveraging Telehealth and Alternative Patient Care Management
    Serving Rural Health Populations: Leveraging Telehealth and Alternative Patient Care Management  Access to healthcare in rural communities has long been a significant challenge. Limited availability of healthcare providers, long distances to medical facilities, and socioeconomic barriers often prevent rural residents from receiving timely and adequate medical care. With the advent of telehealth and other alternative forms of managing patient care, we’re seeing promising solutions to bridge this gap. Challenges in …
  • Battling Burnout and Moral Fatigue for Nurses in Challenging Times
    Battling Burnout and Moral Fatigue for Nurses in Challenging Times Nurses are no strangers to burnout. Burnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. Nurses experiencing burnout may feel emotionally drained, detached from their patients, and disillusioned with their work.   Moral fatigue often goes  hand in hand with burnout On the other hand, moral fatigue, also known as moral distress, pertains to the psychological strain that arises …
  • Emerging Nursing Trends: Embracing Change
    Emerging Nursing Trends: Embracing Change  The nursing profession is evolving rapidly. With technological advancements, changing healthcare policies, and evolving patient needs, staying abreast of the latest trends is crucial. Let’s explore some of the top nursing trends to watch.  Virtual Reality (VR) in Healthcare Education  Traditional nursing textbooks are becoming a thing of the past as virtual learning takes over. Online nursing programs will continue to improve and be more relevant. Immersive …
  • Celiac Care Considerations for Healthcare Providers
    Celiac Care Considerations for Healthcare Providers Celiac disease is a complex autoimmune disorder that affects millions worldwide. With its prevalence on the rise, understanding the intricacies of celiac care is paramount for healthcare providers. Here, we’ll delve into the essentials of celiac care, from defining the condition to exploring lifestyle and dietary changes that can significantly impact patient well-being. Additionally, we discuss how healthcare providers can offer comprehensive care, integrating …
  • Best Practices for Managing Mental Health Crises in Acute Care Settings
    Best Practices for Managing Mental Health Crises in Acute Care Settings May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Since its inception in 1949, Mental Health Awareness Month has been a cornerstone of addressing the challenges faced by millions of Americans living with mental health conditions. Throughout the month, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) actively participates in this national movement, dedicated to eradicating stigma, extending support, fostering public education, and advocating …
  • The Power of Movement: How Exercise Shields Against Disease
    The Power of Movement: How Exercise Shields Against Disease  In the endeavor for good health, there’s an amazing ally that often gets overlooked: exercise. Beyond its well-known benefits for weight management and physical fitness, regular physical activity stands as a shield against many diseases. From cardiovascular conditions to mental health disorders, the impact of exercise on disease prevention cannot be overstated. Let’s delve into the science-backed reasons why getting your …
  • Professional Development and Succession Planning: A Plan for Nursing Success
    Professional Development and Succession Planning: A Plan for Nursing Success At this year’s ANPD conference we attended a great seminar and wanted to share with you why partnering with CareerSmart Learning is such a valuable benefit to your organization.  The presentation identified a practice gap in hospitals and other clinical healthcare institutions as it relates to professional development, and growth opportunities within those institutions and the profession of nursing itself. During …

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