Cody, AKC, Very Good Boy

Our Public Relations Specialist, Cody, is a soft coated wheaten terrier. He is a certified therapy dog and earned his Distinguished Title from the AKC for completing over 400 volunteered therapy visits. He and his owner, Angie Jung, have brought countless smiles and comfort to many residents at Assisted Living facilities, children with brain injuries or other illnesses, as well as therapy services for victims of crime or troubled youths. In 2017, Cody earned his Trick Dog Champion title and recognized as Trick Dog Performer by the AKC. Cody enjoys taking part in many healthcare exhibits and presentations for CareerSmart and is our very own therapy dog at the office. Cody is passionate about his job and consistently delivers positive memorable experiences to everyone he meets!

Fun Fact:  Cody thinks he’s a seal when it comes to being at the beach. He loves jumping over waves and diving in to find his water toys.

February 17, 2021

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