Carbohydrates- Friend or Foe? – 3.0 CE/Contact Hours

(Florida CNA)



This is part of a series of courses related to health and wellness but can be taken independently. This course provides an advanced analysis of the health benefits and risks associated with carbohydrate intake. Objectives include: define carbohydrates and identify healthy carbohydrate choices; compare the health benefits between simple and complex carbohydrates; identify food sources from simple and complex carbohydrates; and assess the effectiveness of low-carbohydrate diets in weight management.

Course is approved for 3.0 CE/Contact Hours for Florida Certified Nursing Assistants but is also appropriate for anyone interested in enhancing their education and mindfulness of this topic related to their own dietary needs or someone they’re caring for.

Must pass final quiz with 80% or more; may re-take as often as needed.


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