Therapeutic Activities for Persons with Dementia (California CNA Approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hour

Objectives of this course are to be able to: Describe dementia and common behaviors associated with dementia Define therapeutic activities and describe the benefits of therapeutic activities programming for persons with dementia Identify meaningful activities for persons with dementia using a person-centered approach Identify the steps in assessing activity needs of a person with dementia […]
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Specialized Nutrition Support and Ethical Considerations (California CNA Approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hour

This is an advanced course about Specialized Nutrition Support, also known as Artificial Nutrition and Hydration of patients or residents. Course objectives are: Define specialized nutrition support Describe the normal nutritional needs of the body Identify the two types of specialized nutrition support commonly used in a healthcare environment List the implications for initiation of […]
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Safety Preparedness and Emergency Response When Caring for Older Adults (California CNA Approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hour

Course objectives include: Distinguish between emergencies that impact the resident or client and those that affect the facility as a whole List common emergencies impacting older adults Describe when and how 9-1-1 should be called Identify safety measures the facility can have in place to prevent accidents and emergencies Identify ways in which the facility […]
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Psychosocial Well-Being During Isolation in Assisted Living (California CNA Approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hour

By the end of this course, learners will be able to: Name four symptoms of anxiety and depression Identify five interventions that reduce psychosocial stress Explain how resident rights contribute to psychosocial well-being Identify how to support residents and guide themselves to maintain psychosocial balance during the return to “normal” after a pandemic. Course is […]
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Private Duty Aides in Residential Care Facilities for Elderly (California CNA Approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hour

Course objectives include: Define private duty aide in RCFE Explain regulations related to private duty aides in RCFE Differentiate between private duty aides, volunteers, and certified nurse assistants or home health aides List risks/benefits of using private duty aides in RCFE. Course is approved for 1.0 CE/Contact Hour for Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA) in California. […]
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Person-Centered Care: An Overview (California CNA Approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hour

This course is designed to enhance the healthcare provider’s knowledge about person-centered care. By the end of this course learners will be able to: Define person-centered care Determine why person-centered care is essential Discuss the barriers to providing person-centered care List steps to establish a framework to put person-centered care into practice. Course is approved […]
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Peanut Allergy (California CNA Approved) – 1.0 CE/Contact Hour

This course was designed to benefit healthcare, social service, education, and community-based professionals who interface with persons with peanut allergy. Course objectives include: List the 8 most common food allergy in the United States Recognize the signs and symptoms associated with peanut allergy Identify management options for people with peanut allergies including dietary avoidance techniques […]
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