Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Illinois Employees – 1 CE/Contact Hour

(Illinois Only)


This course is only approved for Illinois Sexual Harassment Training and Education and meets the minimum standards of sexual harassment prevention training as outlined in the Public Act 101-0221; Section 2-109 of the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA).


By the end of this course, the learner will understand sexual harassment in the workplace and how it affects employees. They will also recognize each employee’s right to have a harassment-free workplace environment. Specifically, the learner will be able to: describe the risks and prevalence of sexual harassment in the workplace; define “sexual harassment” as determined by federal law and Illinois statute; identify two types of sexual harassment that may occur and give examples of conduct that constitute unlawful sexual harassment; describe resources and remedies available for victims of sexual harassment; and summarize the responsibilities of Illinois employers to prevent, investigate, and correct sexual harassment in the workplace.

This course is approved for 1.0 CE/Contact Hour to the following professions:

  • Illinois Nurses (RN, LPN)

Participants must pass the final quiz with 80% or more and may re-take the quiz as often as needed. The course will be updated or discontinued on or before July 31, 2027.


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